Some places I like to go...
Here's some links to some of my favorite places:
Anime links -- unofficial
Ghibli web page
This is the place to go for information about all of Studio Ghibli's
wonderful films, including "Kiki's Delivery Service," where I get my nickname
Burning Man links
Burning Man
This has been the single most inspirational art event of my life.
I came back from Burning Man 1998 with project ideas coming out of my ears!
And those projects became even bigger than perhaps I could handle! :)
I don't think I would've ever been able to reach so far to the limit of
my abilities. Truly, an event which made me better, stronger and
live life more fully!
And here is an example of one of those projects. :)
Color Space
This is another project I'm currently working on.
I have no page for it yet, but here's my description for the Wheel
of Time:
It will be in Center Camp at Burning Man this year!
Drawing [38k] Smaller
version [20k]
Selves Conglomerate
This is a project my best friend Steph is working on. It is a
funeral procession for all the people that we were not... It will
be to let those selves go to rest in peace.
This is Steph's project for Burning Man this year.
Personal list of items to bring
A check list for me for what not to forget -- updated as I think of
There is currently a big order going on for electroluminescent wire.
This was used to make the bicycle-horse at Burning Man last year, among
other amazing pieces of artwork. It's a thin line of glowing wire,
like minature neon.
Another EL-Wire site by my friend Joel Wylan.
Tic-Toc Town
This is the group I camped with in 1999 at Burning Man.
Great bunch of folks!
This is our town that will be returning every year. This year, our project is the Crystal Palace,
conceived by Steph, mentioned above who built the Possible Selves Conglomerate.
Ryon Gesink's F@#$% Machine
One of the coolest vehicles ever!
Tolerance Links
Ontario Consultants of Religious
One of my all-time favorite sites on the InterNet.
I can spend hours reading this site!!!
activities in animals
I just can't help it! This book sounds terribly interesting!
I don't believe in everything they teach [who does of any church?]
but I find them so beautiful and they bring me such spiritual meaning
that I spend all my holidays with them.
Misc links
A list of neon bookmarks I've collected -- lots of great info!
News of the Weird
What can I say? This has been around on the Net for years!
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