Note that this is done on the copy that you have masked off using the Blue Spill Suppression
See how the major things that change are the blue areas? And that little else changes in the image? [Ignore that the BG comes back -- that's okay because it's masked out anyway.]
Rename the new channel -- this is a GOOD HABIT to get into!! You will quickly get lost in a sea of channels! [Pun intended! :) ]
Note that this is done on the copy that you have masked off using the Blue Spill Suppression
See here too, how the blue areas get darker, but the rest stays [for the most aprt] the same.
Rename the new channel -- again, this is a GOOD HABIT to get into!! You will quickly drown in an ocean of channels!
[Paying attention? :) ] ]
First, copy the lightened red channel. Make sure it's selected, then Select --> All [or CTRL-A] and Copy [Edit-->Copy or CTRL-C]
Then paste into the Red Channel [Edit-->Paste or CTRL-V]
Copy the darkened blue channel. Make sure it's selected, then Select --> All [or CTRL-A] and Copy [Edit-->Copy or CTRL-C]
Then paste into the Blue Channel [Edit-->Paste or CTRL-V]
You can see how all that blue has been desaturated and now looks like dark, grey stormy water, while the rest of the colors in the image remain pretty much the same.