Like the Clouds, Like the Wind
From ???@??? Wed Mar 31 11:42:23 1999
To: anime
From: Kiki
Subject: Movie next wednesday the 7th! FAN-SUB!!
It's about that time again, and I'll be showing a SUBTITLED [see that Onny and Leo? :)] version of "Like the Cloud, Like the Wind" next wednesday, April 7, in FROGTOWN -- which is the other building than you're used to. [Directions follow.]
This is a lovely film about a young girl who answers the call for young women to train -- and compete -- to be the new emperor's bride so he can take the throne -- which he must do quickly since folks are plotting for his life!
The animation is simple but lovely. The coloring is also simple but lovely. The posing of the characters is just *wonderful* and the characters designs are also very interesting. If you like Ghibli films, you'll like this one too, though the style is more simple than lush and extravagent like typical Ghibli, the plot and characters are great.
Here's some web pages on the movie.
some small spoilers in this
last one, but you can skip to the
"review" part for even *more*
gushing over how lovely it is :)
---from a nausicaa.net FAQ---
Q: Did Miyazaki/Ghibli make "Like the Cloud, Like the Wind"?
No. That's another Miyazaki, Akira Miyazaki, who wrote the script. It
doesn't help that at least one fansub does mistakenly list Hayao Miyazaki
as the scriptwriter. The only Ghibli connection to this anime is
that a Ghibli animator, Katsuya Kondo [NOT the late Yoshifumi Kondo], who
did character design of "Kiki" did character design of "LTC, LTW". Some
say the heroine, Ginga looks like Oriental Kiki.
That fansub is the one I'll be showing... :)
This is appropriate for pretty much all ages and tempraments.
What: Kaze no Youni, Kame no Youni -- Like the Cloud, Like the Wind
When: wednesday, April 7, 6:30 eat pizza, 7:30 movie
Where: Frogtown, Las Venus theatre -- ## dial 6101 ## [6062 if you're
PS I have moved offices to Frogtown, so showings will probably be over here from now on. Sorry. No couches. :)